What Is a Foreign Currency Convertible Bond?
Jul 29, 2023 By Rick Novak

Are you curious about the financial world and want to learn more about investment instruments like Bonds convertible into foreign currencies (FCCBs)? If so, then you've come to the right place!

In this blog post, we'll explore exactly what FCCBs are, how they work, and why investing in them can be beneficial.

We'll also discuss some of the key risks associated with these instruments – armed with this knowledge, you'll have all the information needed to make an informed decision regarding investing in FCCBs.

So if you're ready to dive deep into Bonds convertible into foreign currencies, let's get started!

Defining Bonds convertible into foreign currencies

Bonds convertible into foreign currencies are a financial instrument that allows investors to convert their money into another currency, such as U.S. dollars or euros.

They can be used to purchase securities like stocks or bonds issued in foreign countries, which may offer higher returns than local investments.

FCCBs provide an easy and cost-effective way for investors to invest in the global markets while avoiding any associated exchange rate risks.

FCCBs are typically issued by multinational companies and governments, though some private firms also issue them occasionally.

They are usually denominated in a particular foreign currency and have a predetermined maturity date, at which point they must be converted back into the original currency or paid out in cash.

Though the terms of these bonds may vary from issuer to issuer, they generally offer a fixed rate of return on the currency conversion and some kind of conversion premium.

This means that, while there is some risk involved with investing in FCCBs, investors can also reap the rewards if their investment yields higher-than-expected returns due to fluctuations in exchange rates.

How Bonds convertible into foreign currencies Work

The process of investing in FCCBs starts with choosing the right issuer. It's important to research and ensure that the company or government has a solid credit rating, as this will help minimize risk.

Once you've chosen an issuer, you must decide on the amount you want to invest and the currency you'd like to convert it into. This will determine the rate of return you'll receive on your investment.

Next, you'll need to ensure that all the paperwork is in order and that you understand the terms and conditions of the bond. This includes ensuring that your chosen currency has sufficient liquidity in the market to be easily converted back into your original currency.

Finally, you'll need to monitor the exchange rate between your chosen currencies and ensure you're staying up-to-date on any changes in interest rates or other factors that could affect the return on your investment.

Benefits and Risks of Investing in FCCBs


• Diversification: Investing in FCCBs allows investors to diversify their portfolios by investing in foreign markets. This can help to reduce overall risk and increase potential returns.

• Easy Conversion: FCCBs make it easy for investors to convert their money into another currency without going through a lengthy process.

• Fixed Rate of Return: Investors know from the start what kind of return they can expect, making planning for the future easier.


• Exchange Rate Risk: While fluctuations in exchange rates can lead to higher-than-expected returns, they also carry an inherent level of risk as investments may be subject to significant losses.

• Default Risk: As with any investment, there is a risk that the issuer of the FCCB may default on their payments. This is why it's important to thoroughly research any potential investments ahead of time.

• Regulatory Risk: Finally, investing in FCCBs carries some regulatory risk as different countries have different laws and regulations regarding foreign currency convertible bonds. Investors should be aware of all relevant legal requirements before entering into agreements.

Characteristics of Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds

Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) are a type of financial security that can be exchanged into issuing company shares. They have several important characteristics and features, which include:

- Issuance Date: FCCBs must be issued on or before the date specified in the bond agreement, with payments made at regular intervals until the bonds mature.

- Conversion Price: Investors can convert their bonds into issuing company shares at a predetermined conversion price.

- Interest Rate: FCCBs typically offer an interest rate higher than other investment instruments, making it an attractive option for investors looking for greater returns.

- Callable Features: Bonds may have features that allow the issuer to redeem them before maturity. This can be beneficial in certain market conditions as it allows issuers to take advantage of lower financing costs.

- Tax Benefits: Depending on the jurisdiction, FCCBs may provide tax benefits such as reduced capital gains taxes or exemptions from transfer taxes. These benefits can add up over time, making investing in these bonds more attractive.

- Risk: There are also risks associated with investing in FCCBs, including the risk of issuer default or currency volatility. It is important to consider these risks before investing and to thoroughly understand all the terms and conditions of the bond agreement.

FCCBs offer investors an attractive alternative investment option as they provide a higher interest rate than other instruments while potentially offering tax benefits.

Examples of Companies that have Issued FCCBs

Over the years, many companies have issued FCCBs as financing. Some examples include:

- Honda Motor Co: In 2014, Honda issued its first FCCB worth $200 million with an annual coupon rate of 4.5%.

- Tata Motors: In 2015, Tata Motors issued $500 million in FCCBs at a coupon rate of 3.75%.

- Reliance Industries Ltd.: In 2016, Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) issued $500 million in FCCBs with an annual coupon rate of 6%.

These are just a few examples of companies that have successfully utilized FCCBs as financing. As you can see, these bonds can be a useful source of capital for companies needing funds.

Step-by-Step Guide to Investing in an FCCB

1. Understand How FCCBs Work

A foreign currency convertible bond (FCCB) is a type of debt instrument that allows the holder to convert it from a foreign currency into their domestic currency.

This conversion process is done at an agreed-upon exchange rate set by the bond issuer. These bonds are typically issued by emerging market companies, allowing them to raise capital while avoiding some of the restrictions associated with traditional debt instruments.

2. Consider the Benefits

Investing in an FCCB can benefit those looking for exposure to different currencies or markets while having upside potential if the underlying stock appreciates.

Another key benefit is that these bonds have relatively low-interest rates compared to other forms of debt, which can offset any losses from currency fluctuations.

Finally, investors who purchase FCCBs may receive certain tax benefits depending on where they live and how they structure their

3. Consider the Risks

As with any investment, there are risks associated with purchasing an FCCB.

The most significant is currency risk – investors may see losses in their account due to an unfavorable exchange rate if the underlying foreign currency depreciates.

There is also a risk that the issuer may need help to repay the debt, leaving investors with no recourse for recouping their invested funds.

Understanding all of these risks is important before investing in an FCCB.

4. Do Your Research

Before investing in an FCCB, you must do your due diligence and research the market thoroughly.

Look for information about recent trends and developments related to the bond's issuer, as well as any other factors that may influence the performance of the bond.

It’s also important to read through all the fine print associated with the investment to be sure you understand any terms and conditions.

5. Consider Professional Advice

Finally, if you still need to decide about investing in an FCCB, it's worth consulting a financial advisor or professional who has experience with this type of instrument.

They can advise on when and where to invest and how much to allocate for each purchase. This will help ensure that your investments are sound and profitable for years to come.


What are foreign currency convertible bonds issued by?

Corporations issue Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) to raise capital in foreign currencies. They are usually issued as a debt instrument with an option to convert them into equity later.

What is the purpose of FCCBs?

FCCBs are used by companies to raise capital while taking advantage of attractive foreign currency exchange rates and other benefits that come with issuing debt rather than equity. This enables them to finance their expansion plans without diluting their shareholders' stakes.

What risks should investors consider when investing in FCCBs?

Investors must be aware of the risks involved with investing in bonds, such as fluctuations in foreign currency values, repayment risks, and default risks. Investors should also consider the issuer's creditworthiness and liquidity before investing in FCCBs.


Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) are a great way to diversify your financial portfolio and potentially generate higher returns. However, it is important to understand the risks associated with FCCBs before investing in them.

With the knowledge provided in this blog post, you can make an informed decision about whether or not these instruments are right for you. So take the time to educate yourself and ensure you're comfortable with your investment decisions. Good luck!
