How to Lower Refinance Closing Costs
Jul 28, 2023 By Kelly Walker

Are you looking for a way to lower your refinance closing costs? Unreasonable and unexpected refinancing expenses can become expensive and add unwelcome stress.

But, by understanding the different fees charged during mortgage refinancing, you can find ways to reduce those charges --making it easier and more cost-friendly to lower your monthly payments.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to save money on loan closing costs associated with refinancing so that you can take back control of the process.

Typical Refinance Closing Costs

Refinancing a home mortgage can be an attractive option for many homeowners, as it can lower their monthly payments and save them thousands in interest over the loan's lifetime.

However, there are closing costs associated with this type of transaction that need to be taken into account before proceeding. Typical refinance closing costs may include origination fees, appraisal fees, title insurance, taxes, and other miscellaneous fees.

Origination fees are typically the largest cost associated with refinancing and are paid to the lender for processing the loan. These fees are usually based on a percentage of the loan amount, ranging from 0.5% to 1%.

Appraisal fees cover the cost of assessing property value to determine how much the lender is willing to lend. Title insurance covers the cost of protecting the title from any claims against it and is usually a one-time fee.

Taxes are paid to transfer the property title from one owner to another, and they vary by state. Additional fees for document preparation or survey costs may also be associated with refinancing.

By considering the typical refinance closing costs, homeowners can make an informed decision and weigh the costs and benefits of refinancing.

Although upfront costs may be significant, it is important to remember that refinancing can help save money in the long run by reducing monthly payments or shortening loan terms.

It pays to do the research and take the time to compare offers from multiple lenders. With some diligence, savvy homeowners can save by refinancing their home mortgage.

Compare Mortgage Lenders

When you are ready to refinance your mortgage, it is important to compare different lenders to get the best rate and fees. Shopping around can save you thousands of dollars in closing costs over the life of your loan.

Start by researching different lenders online and identifying those who offer competitive rates. Look for hidden fees or costs that a lender could charge. Once you have narrowed down your list, contact each lender and ask to speak with a representative about their specific refinance fees and services.

Ask questions such as what closing costs are included in the mortgage rate quote, and is there anything else that could raise the total cost of refinancing?

It’s also important to consider other factors like customer service and litter.

Are the lender’s hours flexible? Do they offer online applications or other convenient services? Also, find out if you have to pay any fees for prepayment or late payments.

Finally, remember that getting a competitive rate and reliable customer service is always important when selecting a mortgage lender. Comparing lenders can save money and help you find the best lender for your needs.

Ask for a No-Closing-Cost Refinance

When shopping for a refinance lender, ask about no-closing-cost options. Many lenders offer a "no cost" refinance with slightly higher interest rates to help cover the associated fees.

While you may still be responsible for out-of-pocket expenses like appraisal and title search fees, this could save you from paying thousands in closing costs.

Be sure to compare the no-closing-cost option with other refinance offers and do the math to determine if it's a better deal. When considering various loan scenarios, your lender can estimate what you could expect to pay upfront for expenses.

Doing your homework beforehand could help you save big in closing costs on your refinance. Be sure to read through the loan documents carefully and take any questions or concerns you have directly to your lender.

Understanding the terms and costs of a refinance can help you don't most informed decision about your next mortgage. Knowing how to lower refinance closing costs can be valuable in getting the best deal on your new loan.

Loyalty Has Its Benefits

When it comes to refinancing, loyalty pays off. Many lenders offer discounts and incentives for customers who stick with them for the long haul. Taking advantage of existing relationships can significantly lower closing costs and other fees associated with a refinance.

Loyalty also means you tap into your lender's expertise and knowledge; they may be able to provide more detailed information regarding available loans and potential savings.

Additionally, long-term customers may have access to more competitive rates than those offered to the general public.

How to Negotiate a Reduction in Lender Fees

Negotiating a reduction in lender fees can be an effective way to lower refinancing closing costs. Before applying for a loan, speak with the lender and ask if any discounts are available based on your relationship or specific needs.

If you're taking out multiple loans, such as a, refinance plus a home equity loan, inquire about bundling discounts. Additionally, many lenders offer discounts for customers who set up automatic payments or opt for a shorter-term loan.

In addition to asking about discounts, asking the lender to double-check their fees and see if they can lower them further never hurts. Some lenders are willing to negotiate on things like origination fees and other closing costs to make your loan more affordable.

Remember that the lender may need a good-faith deposit to get started, but this could be refundable if the loan does not close.


Is there a way to avoid closing costs when refinancing?

You can avoid closing costs when refinancing by taking out a no-closing-cost mortgage. These loans allow borrowers to refinance without paying upfront fees or out-of-pocket expenses. However, these loans may have higher interest rates to compensate for the lack of upfront fees.

Is it normal to pay closing costs on a refinance?

Yes, it is normal to pay closing costs when refinancing. Closing costs typically range from 2-5% of the loan amount. These fees cover services such as credit checks, appraisals, legal fees, and other administrative costs associated with the refinance process.

Can you negotiate to refinance rates?

Yes, it is possible to negotiate a better rate when refinancing. Start by researching different lenders and comparing rates. You can also lower your rate if you are a loyal customer of the lender or have good credit scores. Finally, always ask if the lender will waive any fees before committing to the loan.


To get the lowest closing costs on your refinance, compare lenders and negotiate for the best deals. If you have been a loyal customer to a lender in the past, don’t underestimate what loyalty can do for you. Before settling on a lender or signing any paperwork, look closely at skyrocketing appraisal fees and ask whether there is any way to reduce them.

Do your homework and see if other lenders offer better deals with less expensive loan fees. Your dedication and efforts will ultimately pay off, leaving you satisfied with a refinance with minimal closing costs.
